Many items can be recycled in Livingston County:
PAPER: Newspaper, books, telephone books and magazines.
GLASS: Clear glass bottles & jars only. In the near future colored glass & jars will be accepted. (Watch for details) DO NOT INCLUDE: plate glass, Pyrex, ceramics, light bulbs or mirrors
PLASTIC: Any plastic beverage & milk containers with #1 & #2 on the bottom of the container.
CANS: Aluminum & Steel including pet food cans & cans with white lining. DO NOT INCLUDE: Aluminum scraps such as foil or siding.
Here are the preparations for recycling:
Newspapers must be dry. Secure newspaper with string or place in brown paper bag.
Cardboard must be dry and please breakdown boxes.
Glass: including clear glass bottles & jars. Rinse containers, remove lids and caps. Labels do not need to be removed.
Plastic: Rinse containers, remove lids and caps. Labels do not need to be removed.
Cans: Aluminum & Steel. Empty cans, rinse & remove food waste or refuse.
Bulk containers are available at North Elementary and South Elementary.
Bulk containers are also available Monday, Wednesday and Saturday during normal business hours at the Livingston County Convenience Center, 761 Cut Off Road.
Monday - 9 am to 5 pm
Wednesday - 9 am to 5 pm
Saturday - 9 am to 4 pm
The Convenience Center has separate containers for glass, cardboard, paper, plastic, aluminum and aluminum and steel cans.
Recycling saves and helps everyone in Livingston County. Recycling one ton of newspaper saves 17 trees. If each Kentucky house-hold recycled one average Sunday newspaper, that would save over 16,000 trees in a single day. Recycling one pound of glass saves enough energy to light a 100 watt bulb for four hours. Kentuckians use 37,000 beverage bottles each hour. If each Kentucky household recycled just one plastic bottle each week, in one year that would represent $303,298.00 in recycled material and a landfill tipping fee savings of $84,924.00 for a total value of $388,220.00 a year.
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